Servicing Montgomery County

Servicing Montgomery County

Getting Started is as Easy as 1-2-3!

Step 1 – Phone Consultation

After we have received your inquiry we will reach out to you to schedule a time for a brief phone consultation. During the phone consultation, we will ask you about your personal training goals, training availability, go over pricing, programs and answer any questions you may have. Assuming you’re ready to move forward, we will send you a Cert fitness registration form via email and also book our in-depth consultation.

Step 2 – In-Depth Consultation

Our in-depth consultation takes about 45 mins as we cover in great depth your training goals, exercise and health history. We also take you through a functional movement screening which will evaluate functional movement patterns to identity movement disfunctions to prevent injury. We like to be as thorough as possible so that we are able to match you with the best fit on our team of trainers and provide you with the best training experience. At the end of our consultation, we will confirm your initial training session and connect you with your trainer.

Step 3 – Initial Training Session

The initial training session is the last step in our 3-step process to getting you started with a personal trainer. During your initial session you will get to know your trainer. They will also have the opportunity to assess your overall fitness level and create a specific training plan moving forward. Your trainer will make sure that they push you appropriately during your initial session and beyond.